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This latest release includes some of the features you've been asking for, with more coming in the near future. Much of the early content was autobiographical, but more diverse themes were explored in later editions. Created by Howard Cruse, Gay Comix featured the work of primarily gay and lesbian cartoonists. We carefully read all of our app reviews and appreciate hearing from our users. Gay Comix (later spelled Gay Comics) is an underground comics series published from 19801998. Messages older than three months may be deleted. php NOTE: User profiles inactive for more than three months may be deleted. You must be 18 years old or older to register. Maximum of one Jack'd account per device. Do not upload any nude or illegal pictures. FEATURES: Match Finder - 3 public pictures + 2 private pictures - List View & Gallery View for profile listings - Who's Viewed You list - Extended profile filtering - Scene selection - Favorites list & Followers list - Unlimited picture & message exchanges TERMS OF SERVICE: Be respectful to each other. Find out who's into you and download now. Jack'd connects you to the hottest guys with key insights on who's viewed your profile and other revealing stats.

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